Monday, December 8, 2008


In these times, I think everyone is nervous about one aspect or another of their financial stability. Or, maybe not. I have to admit that I have always been supremely confident in my career and my job - almost to the point where I am foolishly confident. But, I won't lie. I am rattled.

Exactly a year ago in December I changed jobs, doing the same thing just for a different company and a little more specialized. So specialized that I have been working in my field of insurance for almost 10 years and I started something I was not familiar with. I have gotten more acclimated over this past year and I am better with what I am doing.

However, I do not really have a close relationship with anyone I work with, which is not a big deal. I don't get jobs for social status, but it helps to be in close enough with someone that you can get their perspective on things that happen. I was also the last person to be hired, so I will definitely be the first person to go if it gets to that point. As far as I can see in the year I have been here, my position is not really necessary, which is scary in itself.

On the other hand, I do work for a great guy. It seems like it would be a last resort, but I could be looking through frosted glasses and not see the whole picture. Just in case I am going to do everything I can to make myself lucrative in every aspect of my life. I will be the cream that rises to the top, not the grit that falls to the bottom.

Granted, I do have a second job - but it is selling cars, which as we know is not doing extremely well right now. I do work for a dealership that is not hurting as much as others. but, my husband's income is derived solely from this dealership, so we might both be in trouble soon.

So, the worst scenario for me is to lose my day gig and be holding on with 1 1/2 half assed incomes. I guess that's better than some I know at this point though.

What irritates me is that the media is perpetuating the majority of this crises and what is not true today might be true tomorrow because the media pushed the rumor. When Obama takes office in January I believe the media will push for the sunny outlook and things will appear to be getting better, when in reality, it isn't as bad as they are making it out to be right now and it won't be as good as it looks then, but that's the media for ya. Hopefully, more people will be able to adjust to these hardships and we can even out and go back to middle ground and rebuild.

In any case, I wish everyone luck and prosperity in the days/months/years to come.

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