Monday, September 15, 2008


In light of Friday's heard of dumb asses running to the gas pumps to fill up before a hurricane hit hundreds and hundreds of miles away, local government officials are encouraging you to go to the appropriate offices with your receipt if you think you were a victim of price gouging at the pump.

Let me just express my opinion that if you were a price gouging victim over the weekend then you are a dumb ass who deserves to pay what you were charged. It is very obvious when a station charges .20, .30 or as much as $1 more than other stations in the area that they are taking advantage of you.

Another point I would like to make is that if we don't all run to the gas station at one time to fill causing the stations to run out of gas, then the supply & demand won't fluctuate and therefore, our prices will not fluctuate near as much. Most of the increase in price is due to the media and the dumb ass factor.

I live in Memphis, TN (If you are not aware, Memphis is light years away from Galveston or Houston, TX). The tankers never stopped coming into our area because of hurricane Ike. There was no need for anyone to jump up and run to the gas station unless you were out of gas anyway and it was your time to stop for gas or if you needed a 20 oz drink and some black n milds.


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