Friday, November 14, 2008

WARNING: This is a long post

A few weeks ago a friend and I began running together at a huge local park. The park closes when the sun goes down and they actually have gates that go over the road so that cars can't come in or OUT after closing. Since daylight savings time, we don't get off work until after it is already dark, which kind of put a damper on our running together in the park.

Let me just say that we love this park. There is a paved 1.67 mile track that circles a river and there are ducks in the lake and bison across the street (yes, actual bison!) and the sunsets are georgeous. Plus, it is the most convenient place for us to meet because it is close to both of our jobs. We don't live close together so this is kind of in the middle for us.

We really wanted to run so we decided to meet and park a little ways down the street and walk up to the track and run. When we get there the park is so quiet and it is peaceful and all the animals were out because there weren't any people around to disturb them. It was really awesome and motivational.

Kayla was nervous the whole time that someone was going to come and tell us to leave and give us a fine for being there after the park was closed. I was more worried about the skunks that kept chasing us! If I get sprayed by a skunk it would ruin my whole day! They were EVERYWHERE. And, they're hard to see in the dark. In addition to the skunks, there were a couple of deer. They were so pretty! But, we were kind of scaring them from coming to the lake to drink water, I think.

So we went around the track a couple of times and Kayla was hearing things jump in and out of the water and I think she was a little spooked so she said she was going to cut it short and go home after just 2 laps. Well, I may not have been scared but I was not going to stay out there by myself! So, I was fine with leaving. We get towards the end of the track and there are 2 people walking toward us. (DA, DA, DUM!!!)

Kayla has been assaulted before in broad daylight so, needless to say, she is a little jumpy anyway. When these people get within in sight distance she is ready to pounce. She kept saying that she was going to hit them, etc. Just really on edge. As we are getting closer to the people we determine that it is a man and a woman that appear to just be walking, much the same way we are running.

As we pass the woman asks us to stop. We talked to them for a minute and found out that they were in the park when the ranger closed and locked the gates! They were stuck and could not get out!! Of course, both of their cell phones were low on battery when they left the house so they just left them there. Because we depend so much on our cell phones no one knows anybody's phone number anymore so even offering my cell phone did not help because they didn't know anyone's number to call to come pick them up.

So what did I do? I offer to take them home! Complete strangers. Yeah, they seem like a nice couple but ya never know! I was a little nervous, but figured if something went wrong I would crash my car into another car or something! HA HA HA I know that is not really funny, but I didn't end up having to do it so it is a little funny.

But, if your mom & dad or 3rd grade teacher never told you, NEVER GO WITH STRANGERS! If they don't murder you with an axe, you might get stuck in their neighborhood and not be able to get out and have to call someone to help you out!!!

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