Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Today is election day! If you care about any of the issues then I hope you get out and vote today. If you do not care or if you didn't pay attention during the election process then I hope you did not vote. :)

That being said, my mom voted today for the first time in 30 years! She was very nervous about having to stand in a long line because she lives in a state that did not offer early voting. For the past 3 or 4 weeks we have had conversation after conversation about how she would get off work and if they would let her off work and she made sure her registration was up date and everything.

So, this afternoon at about 2:00 no one at her work had mentioned anything about leaving early to vote so she told her boss that she was not feeling well and asked if she could leave early. (I told her she should have just asked to leave early to go vote!) So she went to the local church and they could not find her name. She started panicking thinking she was not going to be able to vote. Did I mention my mom is bipolar and is a very nervous person? She really started getting upset so a very nice lady called the election commission for her and found out that she was just out of her district. The very nice lady directed mom to where she needed to go. Thanks very nice lady!!

Mom finally gets to where she needed to be and walks in and there are 4 people manning the polls. One of the ladies at this polling place greeted her and said that she was their first voter!!! Mom lives in such a small town that they only had one machine! How funny is that? Mom said she laughed to herself because she was worried about standing in line and as it turns out she was the only person in the whole place!!

When she called to tell me this story I googled the town she lives in to find the population and I couldn't find any evidence of census information! Funny how they don't do a census in the area but they felt the need to put a voting place there!

Nevertheless, I am so proud of her for paying attention this year and casting her vote.

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