Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Breast Feeding

Someone made a comment recently that reprimanding a mother for breast feeding in public was absurd. While I don't know that reprimanding someone is the best solution, I do think that if you are offended then you have the right the politely ask the mother to do it somewhere else. I admittedly do not have children and have never been faced with this decision, so maybe I don't have an informed viewpoint. I have seen a mother that had a smock around her neck which covered her whole torso, therefore, I did not realize what she was doing at first. I did not mind that because I was not forced to look at someone's belly or exposed breast (which is the method I see mothers taking more often than not).

Again, I am out of my expertise and I don't mean to chastise, but is it possible to pump the milk into a bottle and save it for your walk through WalMart or during dinner at the steakhouse when Junior gets cranky? Please inform me as to if it changes the nutritional value of the milk or if this isn't possible. Seems to me that this would be the most logical solution to the whole situation.

Now, I don't think that I have ever said anything to a mother for breast feeding in public. I do understand the need for the child to eat and the mother's decision to breast feed. It does not offend me, but I know that it does offend some people. If you are one of those people who get offended I think you have a responsibility to be discreet in your complaints the same way you wished for Mommy to be discreet with the feeding. A mom shouldn't be chastised for the natural process of feeding their child. But, I shouldn't be chastised for not wanting to see it either.

I think that if people thought about the effects of their actions on other people then people would work harder to get along in situations like this and others.

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