Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Goals

My last day at job #2 was this past Sunday. It is a bittersweet end. I was proud of myself for the track record I had while I was there. I got to hang out with the husband and I had something to keep my mind busy while I went through a rather rough phase.

However, I did start slacking on my running and working out, which irritates me to no end. Running and working out had become such a huge part of my mental well being. It literally helped me sleep better at night and have a better attitude during the day. Not to mention the increased self esteem I had from looking better. I was able to carry both jobs and running several miles a week and doing strength training for a few months. Actually, I held it up for the better part of the last year, however there came a point where I would put my "all" into running one week or out everything I have into working another week.

Well, I am proud to say that today marks the day where I get back on track. I am kicking things off with a yoga class. I think that is a good start because it is a little lower key and will stretch me out some. The class that I picked out is with an instructor that I have never taken a class from and it is a type of yoga that I have never done before, which makes it exciting.

Like millions (or billions) of other females in America, I am re-starting a weight loss program. I hate being this on-again, off-again cliche', which is why I have to get my whole life back on track.

By the way - I have some family coming in 2 weeks that I have not seen in years. I want to be in a little better shpae by then (no miracles in 2 weeks). If anyone wants to engage in a challenge of sorts, please let me know. We can post pictures and compare pounds or body fat or something. Or maybe a 'miles run per week' thing. Let me know!

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