Friday, February 6, 2009

Past, Present, Future

When I was in 8th grade my English teacher made us write a time capsule letter about all the things that were going on in our lives at that time and who we were or were not friends with and anything we felt that was important. She said that in 5 years she would mail the letter to whatever specified address we thought we would be at in 5 years and the thought was that we could see that most of the things that happen in 8th grade are irrelevant and also as a funny reminder of how much you grow up (or not) during that time.

I left the 8th grade several years ago but I have thought about this letter from time to time. At the time, I gave my parents' address for Ms. Stitle to mail my time capsule letter to, but - something I would not have guessed in 8th grade - I moved out of mom and dad's house (before 5 years had past) and shortly after that the house was foreclosed on so mom and dad were not there to check the mail. Therefore, I never got my letter. Whoever lived in that house probably got a kick out of my 8th grade letter, if it ever made it!

Dove has their Real Beauty Campaign and they have done a similar project. One of their journalists has written a letter, present day, to herself when she was 14 years old. I thought I might take a stab at it. I wrote a letter to myself when I was 14 and I also wrote a letter to myself in ten years, when I am 37.

I won't post the letters here because they really are irrelevant as they were in 8th grade. The general public doesn't want to hear about my teenage insecurities or about my fears for the future! But, I challenge you to write a letter to yourself, either in present or past tense. You might be surprised at what comes out on canvas.

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