Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another New Year's Blog

OK - How many blogs have you/will you read about the end of the year and the beginning of the next year? Tons! I am sure. Well, the same as some of my past entries, this was is mostly just for me. Here goes -

This year was better than 2007, which was my worst year on record so I should be thankful for that. However, I don't know that it was good.

My Dad's round of shots for his hepatitis did not work, but he is able to function now so that's good. He went back to driving trucks so that he didn't have to do as much manual labor. (He is getting pretty old!) On the other hand, he was laid off from that job this week. Ummfff!

Emotionally, this was the worst year for me. Physically, this was the best year. Although, both are slowly changing. I have not been keeping up with my running and/or exercising through the holidays. No excuses, I am just a slacker. Some days are good and some are horrible emotionally, so maybe I have not made as many changes as I thought or as I needed to.

Financially, this was one of the worst years for national economics. For our family, it has been good though. Not the best, by far, but good.

So after reading this back to myself, I have come to the conclusion that really, nothing is any different than any other year. Yesterday was the same, and even though tomorrow is a new year, it too, will be the same.

Too bad we can't really wipe the slate clean and start over at the beginning of the year! No, we really can't. We just change how we handle things and change the things we think need changing. For now, that will have to do.

Here's to 09!

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