OK - I finally did it. I have not only posted pictures on my blog now, but they are pictures of me, nonetheless. Nice to meet ya!
Now, one of the reasons I have never posted a picture on my blog is that I am not a photographer by any means and I have a bad camera. Notice the bathroom door in the background of the picture. Notice the blurriness and bad quality of the pictures. Lastly, notice the subject. I posted these pictures because of the hair cut mainly, but also because I do think I will be doing the blog where I take a picture of something that inspires whatever mood I am in that day. I may not post everyday, but at least once a week.
I have not decided if this will be a part of this blog or a new blog. More details to come. As you can see I am making this up as I go along so any suggestions are appreciated!
So, Am I everything you hoped I would be and more? HA HA That's OK. Please understand that there are many disappointments in life!
Ya'll have a good night!
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