Friday, October 10, 2008

Ridin' Along in My Automobile

Don't you hate it when you are going down the road and smoke starts pouring from the hood of your car? Well, I do. It sucks more than most other things.

I was surprisingly calm though. I pulled over and turned the car off really fast. Then, I called my husband and asked him to call a tow truck for me. We had it towed to the car dealership that we work at so they can look at it today. I picked up my husband's car so I could go home and change and go back up there and work. The minute I stepped in the door for some reason I just started crying my eyes out.

I have been doing so good emotionally lately that it kind of caught me off guard to cry like that. I don't think it was totally because of the car. I think the car just gave me an excuse to do it. I was by myself and it just happened. Afterward, I let the dogs outside, fed the fish, got dressed and went to work and everything was fine. When I came home from work I ran faster than I ever have. I was not able to run an entire 2 miles but it felt like I was flying when I ran. It felt good.

Today, I am waiting to hear the good (or bad) news as to whether or not I have to replace the motor in my car. Keep your fingers crossed for me! When the rest of the world are breaking their necks to get out of credit card debt, I am probably going to use a credit card for the first time in I don't know how long. And this after paying for 2 strippers for the party this weekend! Great timing. People always say I do the opposite of whatever is 'hot' at the moment!

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