Friday, July 25, 2008

Running...From so many things!

I have been slacking on blogging for the last couple of weeks, but honestly I am not sure if anyone would want to read what I have to say. I have been going through a lot of emotions and lately, I don't know what is what. I kind of told my husband something that I have wanted to say out loud for a long time and I did not get the response I wanted or that I feel I need from him. So, I am trying to come to terms that I am going to have to deal with some things on my own. This scares the crap out of me though because now based on his responses I don't think he can handle being with me. I can not begin to put into words how this makes me feel or all the things I want to express! Let's just say that last weekend goes in the books as one of the worst weekends of my life and I will probably never forget it (and not in a good way!)

On another note, I have decided to jog in the St. Jude 5K! I know that in 6 weeks I will not be to the point of running the entire thing, But, I am going to go as far as I can, then walk for a minute, then run a little more. I have enlisted a friend to train for this with me so that I will actually follow through with it. I have a habit of quitting something if the results do seem to be what I had in mind. If someone else does this with me then I will hopefully feel accountable. I am kind of scared but so excited at the same time!

Lastly, I got a new digital camera a couple of weeks ago! Whoo hoo! So, maybe I can start adding some color to this blog. Tonight, I think we are supposed to do a scavenger hunt so maybe tomorrow I will have some pics.

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