Every year one of the local radio stations puts on a concert at an amphitheatre and they always have awesome bands and we always have a good time. But, this year we both have to work until 8PM so we are not going to be able to make it to the concert this year, which sucks.
This concert kind of makes up for us not being able to go to that. Not really, because Shinedown, Avenged Sevenfold, Saving Able, and Buck Cherry will all be at the radio station concert, which will be so AWESOME! But, we like Egypt Central too. They are a local band and, to be honest, I like them a whole lot better live than I do on the radio. They put on a good show. Here are the links to the band's websites in case you want to check any of these out. They are all really cool bands. Egypt Central is a local band and Saving Able is from MS, not far from here.
http://www.shinedown.com/ http://www.avengedsevenfold.com/
http://community.buckcherry.com/ http://www.savingabel.com/

On another note...Some friends of ours live on a street called Flamingo Ave. I guess, to be funny, they have an inflatable pink flamingo tied to their front porch. Last night my husband and I were out and we decided to go by their house and steal the flamingo. We turn on the street and I tell my husband to stop a few houses down from theirs and pull over and turn off the lights. I jump put of the car and run 2 or 3 houses down the street to their house. Both of their cars are in the drive way; their motion light comes on basically spotlighting me! I am terrified that their dogs are going to start barking! So, instead of uniting the flamingo, I just yank it and it comes free and I run back to the car as fast as I can hoping they don't come out of the house.
I jump back in the car and me and my husband look up and guess what? There was a lady sitting on the front porch of the house we parked in front of!!! HAHAHAHA all this planning and trying to be careful and we didn't even notice that there was someone sitting there the whole time and saw everything!! So much for my ninja skills. HAHAHA Don't ever ask me to plan a covert operation!
I am going to carry this flamingo around with me in my car and take various pictures of it in different areas of town and send them to my friends. If you have any funny ideas for pics let me know!
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