With the upcoming election, there are a few things I would like to get off my chest.
If you are planning on voting for a candidate because of the color of his/her skin or because they are sexy or whatever, please do me a favor and DON'T VOTE.
If you are planning on voting for a candidate because you have seen more commercials for that person/campaign, please DON'T VOTE.
If you are planning on voting for one candidate or another because your favorite celebrity endorsed that candidate (or because your favorite celebrity speaks against a candidate) please, DON'T VOTE
If you do not actually know anything about where any of the candidates stand on the issues or where you stand on those same issues then, DON'T VOTE.
If you don't know anything about either candidate but like one of their names over the other then, please DON'T VOTE.
If you are planning on voting for the candidate with the cutest kid(s) then, please DON'T VOTE.
If you are not aware that there are more than two candidates running in the presidential election, please DON'T VOTE. (I don't expect you to know as much about these candidates as the primary parties candidates, but you should be aware that there are, in fact, more than 2 candidates)
If you have not done your own research of some sort to find out about the validity of accusations directed toward each candidate and made an informed decision as to whether or not you find those accusations to be true then, please DON'T VOTE
In short.... There are several reasons why you should vote. You have heard them all, I am sure. But, please be aware that there are also reasons why you should NOT VOTE.
This is the future of our country we are talking about and some of us take it very seriously. With the future seemingly more unknown than it has been in my generation I definitely encourage everyone vote, but know what you are voting for or against.
There are tons more reasons to NOT VOTE, but I think you get the idea.
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