Rob Zombie needs to make another movie or album or something. I love his music and his movies are at least original horror movies compared to what the "mainstream" horror movies are. (Even his re-makes are original in creativity, I think) I feel that we need a gory, weird movie to kind of break up the monotony. I wonder what he has been up to lately. Think he will sit in the corner of my bedroom and tell me bedtime stories?
On another note, I went to Nashville for a training class last weekend. The 3 hour drive there gave me some of that boring "think" time. What I thought about was really of nothing important but because I was by myself, I was able to observe some things. For instance, why is it that if you try to pass somebody on the interstate, they will all of a sudden speed up? Is it a power thing of not being passed? Do you get your man card punched if you get passed on the interstate?
I came up behind someone in the left lane who was driving 65mph (the speed limit is 70!) Don't you hate that? I rode behind him for a minute thinking he would get the point and move over, but I guess the joint that him and the guy in the passenger seat were passing must have been much more interesting. (I am quite certain that it was, by the way! I could never compete for attention with a joint!!). When he didn't move, I went into the right lane to pass but all of a sudden he speeds up to 80.
OK, fine, I got back over behind him because I was coming up behind someone in the right lane going slower. No sooner than I get over he is doing 65 again!!! UGHHH! After 10 more freakin minutes of 65mph I try, again, to pass him. Same thing happens. He speeds up to about 80 -85mph. I move back over and he starts going 60. At this point I am tired of looking at his "PUR EVIL" license plate, so I step on it and move to the right lane. He speeds up to 85 and I keep going to 100! I just want around him. Mr. Evil is not going to turn my 3 hour drive home into 3.5 or 4 hours! NO WAY! I am so much more evil than him. I am female! That, in itself, is evil enough.
In order to avoid a devastating crash with the blue Ford Taurus that I am speeding up behind in the right lane, I whip back over in from of Mr. Evil, kind of cutting him off. Of course, he drops the joint and flips me off. Ha! Go, figure. He was too stoned to know that I tried politely to pass him twice and he also failed to notice that he pissed me off severely by not knowing how to drive!!! I am sorry that he was not coordinated enough to hold on to the perfectly good joint, though.
By the way, if this guy (who was kind of nerdy) has a license plate that says "PUR EVIL" what license plate do you think Rob Zombie has? I know he deserved a "PUR EVIL" tag waaayy before this nerdy guy who can't drive! Marilyn Manson has one that says "GOTH THUG" which fits him quite well, I think. Maybe, Rob's says "I HAVE A REALLY HOT WIFE AND YOU DON'T ." Think all that fits on a plate? haha
So, the moral of the story is.... Learn to drive! And, don't piss me off! Don't you know who I am? I am kind of a big deal around here!
Also, If anybody has any plate ideas for my car, please let me know. I am interested in this now! HAHA Have a good day
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