Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Night Love Notes

This is the first Friday night that I will have to work since working at the dealership. I also have to work Saturday and Sunday. This should be interesting because I am used to staying out late on the weekends and being able to drink if I want to. This will also be a test to see if the 2nd job is going to be worth it, since I don't actually need the job. I wonder if I am going to feel like crap at my regular job next week because I didn't have a day off. i guess we will find out!

Have I mentioned that my husband works at the dealership, too? That's why I chose the dealership to work at. I am still "the new person" so I still get introduced to a lot of different people everyday. My name, according to everybody up there, is Emmadavid'swife. I don't mind it necessarily. Honestly, I didn't think it would be as acceptable as it is for husband and wife to work together. I kind of thought that it wouldn't really be acknowledged, but everybody knows! It doesn't bother me or anything, it is just different than I expected.

Yesterday I put a post-it note in my husband's car that said "I love you" and it had a heart on it. I don't usually do stuff this cheesy or mushy but I thought it would be a nice gesture for some reason. I made sure to put it on the driver's seat rather than actually trying to stick it to something. I wanted to be sure it didn't fall in the floor board or something. I wanted to be sure he would see it since I am doing this dumb gesture! Well, to make a long story short, he still has not said anything about it. What's up with that!? I know, I am being a girl about it, but I just thought he would have said something about it.

Well, anyway. This blog has absolutely no purpose, so I am ending it here. Hope everybody has a good weekend!

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