This is new for me! I have not ever had a true blog because nothing I say ever makes sense or goes together! But, maybe that is not the point of the blog! I am doing this as a way to keep up with my thoughts and be able to look back at what I wrote and remember the mood I was in or maybe something that happened that day. I guess, for me, this might be an emotional journal of sorts! I am paranoid, delusional, and insecure, among other things so this will be an experience for me. I will probably write and re-write everything 800 times for each entry. Or maybe I won't. Maybe I will just let whatever ends up on the screen just stay there.
Anyway... a little background...
I work at an insurance agency during the day and I just started working at a car dealership in the evenings and on the weekends. I don't know if I can sell cars or not but I am going to try. My second job is not out of financial need but because I need something to do to occupy my time. One day I woke up and everything was different. Not on the outside, necessarily. But, in my head I am a different person for some reason! I know that doesn't make sense (even to me it doesn't) but that's how it is. The "new person" can't seem to sit still. I find the need to occupy as much of my time as possible. So, what could be better than another job? It obligates me to be somewhere at a certain time and unlike a hobby or something it pays me! Now the "new person" in my head has a job too and I am kind of nervous and excited about selling cars. We (Is it funny to say "we" when talking about the "new person" in your head!!??) will see how it goes!
To make a long story short, I am starting this blog because I feel like sometimes I have to say something. Sometimes there are things that you shouldn't say to people you know in real life. Maybe I will continue this blog for a long time and maybe I won't, but for the time being it should be interesting. For now, this is all I am going to say. But, i might have something more to say later!
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